Terry – The Evil Clown Car


“Honk Honk. Hoooooonk. HOoOoOoOnk!”

Monster Type: Monster Clown Car

Background: Terry was once an ordinary clown car packed with 38 clowns, performing in a circus act that delighted and terrified audiences alike. But one fateful day, an accident flattened the car, and all 38 clowns inside tragically died. After the incident, a mad mechanic decided to rebuild the car, unknowingly summoning the spirits of the clowns to haunt their former vehicle. Now, Terry is the twisted, malevolent union of 38 ghosts, each possessing the rebuilt car and using it to wreak havoc. With honks, squeaks, and chaotic energy, Terry rolls through the mansion grounds, unleashing bizarre, clownish terror wherever it goes. Whether it’s spewing balloon animals or summoning spectral clowns to do its bidding, Terry is as unpredictable as it is creepy. And you’ll hear the haunting sound of circus music before it arrives.

Subteam: The Jocks

Class: Brawler

Abilities: Generates a near-endless supply of clowns with varying abilities and unpredictable behavior.

Main Skill: Encumbrance

Action: 8

Defense: 10

Magic: 3


Featured Episode: Episode #25 Alluring Allies and the Town Faire

Episode Tag:The Alluring Allies head to a renaissance faire while Terry and the clowns torture Benny.


Favored Enemy: Entertainment Party Extreme

Specific Enemy: Benny Tyler

Reason for hatred: Benny Tyler


Costume Variants

Beach Party Terry

Alpine Weekend Terry

Desert Drift Terry



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